Dear St. Matthew’s Family,
We are being reminded once again that winter is real… The temperature has dropped and the days feel shorter as sunlight slips away from us a little bit earlier each day. Yet even as the cold and lack of sun are not my favorite parts, I appreciate the season and way it marks time.
This Sunday we celebrate Christ the King Sunday. It is a Sunday to remember that above all else Christ is King, King of Love, of relationships, of resurrection, and second chances. This Sunday we consider who this God is that exists and reigns beyond all the noise of fad and fashion, power and prestige, Nation(s) and politicking. We remember and celebrate this God represented and manifested in Jesus Christ. The King of Kings that is not here with a sword and vengeance but instead here as the Prince of Peace and the Lord of Life.
This Sunday it is also Pledge Sunday, or maybe a better name might be Support our Mission Sunday. You are invited to consider how you would like to support the work and mission of St. Matthew’s with your time, talents, and treasure. A lot of great things happen in and through this place, and they happen because of your generosity. They happen because you share generously and graciously of your time, talents, and treasure. Thank you for all that you have done over the years—I hope you have found your efforts and your presence a blessing and an opportunity for growth in your faith. I encourage you to prayerfully consider how you might continue to support and even expand your support for the coming year of our shared mission. You can turn in your pledge cards and time and talent sheets in the offering plates, on Realm, or by emailing us a copy this Sunday or in the days to come.
The Holiday season is also upon us! And we start it off with our Thanksgiving worship service on Thanksgiving Eve at 7pm. We will follow the service with a pie social. I hope you will consider coming and being a part of the merriment! You can come even if you don’t bring a pie—we need people to eat them too! We had a lot of fun last year, and I imagine this year will be another great gathering!
Peace and Thankfulness,
Pastor Kirsten
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