Stewardship Stories

Stewardship Stories

Stewardship is caring and sharing. We’re looking for YOUR stewardship stories. How has giving and sharing enriched your life? Send your stories to us to be included in a future Eblast!  This week, read about our good stewardship in action, and what our...
Share the Bounty

Share the Bounty

ACTS Hunger Prevention Center is collecting the following items to distribute to families in need for Thanksgiving: · Pie Crust Mix· Corn bread or Biscuit mix· Canned vegetables (15oz)· Instant mashed potatoes· Can or jar of gravy, or...
Bill Mehr Drop-In Center

Bill Mehr Drop-In Center

Donations are needed! We are serving lunch to clients of the Bill Mehr Drop-In Center for the homeless, for up to 50 people, on the 4th Friday of each month, April through October. PLEASE NOTE DROP-OFF PROCEDURE BELOW: Items may be placed in the church...