Learning to be Jesus' Disciples

Children, youth and adults are encouraged and empowered to actively participate in the world as Christ’s disciples. You are invited to wrestle with questions and hear the faith stories of others through various age-appropriate educational and hands-on experiences.

Christian Education 2024-2025

Planning activities for our upcoming Sunday School Year are underway.  At the June 17, 2024 Church Council Meeting, it was determined that Sunday School classes for the 2024/2025 school year will now be held from 9:00-9:50AM instead of following the 10:00AM  service. Parents of children attending Sunday school are encouraged to attend one of two adult Sunday School classes that will be offered.

Our plan for the 2024/2025 Sunday School program for children includes:  4-years-olds through 6th grade; 7th  and 8th graders; and a teen class covering students in the 9th through 12th grades.

Key Dates:

  • Sundays during August 2024:  Parents will have the opportunity to discuss the Sunday School program more fully and to sign children up to attend Sunday School at a table available before and after Sunday services.
  • September 8, 2024:  Sunday School Rally/Day Open House, 9:00-9:50AM and after the 10:00AM service until noon.
  • September 15, 2024:  First day of Sunday School classes.

More information on adult classes, room assignments, and teacher names will be provided at a future date.

Contact Amy Stone if you are interested in helping to serve as a Sunday School teacher or assistant, provide assistance in other ways, or want more information.


 PreK-5th grade Sunday School

St. Matthew’s PreK-5th Graders will spend the year exploring the Old Testament and will meet weekly from 9:00-9:50 AM! Starting their faith journey with learning how it all began, discussing a story each week, and completing a related activity. 


6-8th grade

Confirmation studies for grades 6-8th will meet weekly upstairs in Room 9 and 10. Parents  are welcome to attend any of the classes during the year.   


High School Youth

Youth Group for Middle School and High School youth will kick off in September on alternating Sunday evenings!

Next Steps

Many Ways to Get Involved Below!

Fastnacht Dinner & Celebration – March 2, 4-6

Come one, come all! Get ready to start your Lenten journey. St. Matthew’s welcomes the entire Congregation to a pancake/sausage dinner to celebrate Fastnacht (Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday) on Sunday,...

Sunday School Year 2024-2025

Planning activities for our upcoming Sunday School Year are underway.  At the June 17, 2024 Church Council Meeting, it was determined that Sunday School classes for the 2024/2025 school year...

Blessing of Backpacks

Children are invited to bring their school backpacks to church for the 10:00AM service on Sunday, August 18, 2024. At that service, children will receive a token from St. Matthew’s to help them...

Summer Music Camp – Registration Now Open!

Summer Music CampJuly 8 - 21st!We're putting on a musical this summer! Open to children who have completed Kindergarten through High School July 8-19th, 9:00-Noon July 21st: The kids will...

Vacation Bible School–Registration ends June 10th!

Camp Firelight Vacation Bible School Invites Kidsto Put Their Trust in God! Join us for Camp Firelight June 17th - 20th.  9AM to 12 noon. 3-year-olds (toilet trained) through rising 6th...

Christian Education Programs Begin September 10th!

Show me your ways, Lord,    teach me your paths.Guide me in your truth and teach me,    for you are God my Savior,    and my...

Vacation Bible School – July 18, 19, 20

Bring your "A" Game and join us for Twists and Turns Vacation Bible School.  Twists & Turns is a fantastical celebration of how following Jesus changes the game. Spin the spinner, beat the...

Summer Music Camp – July 31-August 4

Registration is now open! Click the button below for our registration form--print and return the form to St. Matthew's by June 30th to secure a spot! Registration Form

First Communion Instruction – March 5, 19, and 26

First Communion Instruction for Children Begins in MarchBaptized children may begin to commune on a regular basis after completing a series of lessons and mutual conversations that include the...

Rally Day & Ministry Fair

Come for the kickoff of Sunday School for our PreK-Confirmation youth and stay for a time of information and fellowship for those who are High School-aged and older!  Ministry Fair – September...

Baptisms and First Communion

Baptisms: Please contact us for more information and to setup a meeting with one of our pastors. 

First Communion classes are offered yearly for those in 3rd grade. However, if your child is asking to receive communion, we encourage them to do so! If you are an adult seeking to learn more about communion, please contact us to meet with one of the pastors. 

Educating Children for 45 Years

Our Day School has served the Lake Ridge community for over 45 years and helped thousands of children learn through play.

Learn more about our teaching philosophy and enrollment opportunities through the Day School website
or by contacting us at 703-494-3090.