Dear St. Matthew’s Family,

What a trying couple of weeks it has been in the United States. Gun violence and mass shootings have invaded our collective awareness again, stirring everything from fear and resignation to anger and rage mixed with a profound sadness.

God, giver of life, you intend for humans to live together in peace. In this time of grief over gun violence, we pray for your presence among us. That, trusting in your mighty and gentle healing, we may live in hope, we pray: make us instruments of your peace.

We are overtaken with images from Robb Elementary School even before we have processed what we saw at Tops Grocery Store. Two of the worst mass shootings this year and two of the total 45 mass shootings so far in May 2022.[1] Yes, 45 mass shootings in May in the USA alone where 4 or more people were shot. 

God of the promise in word and sacrament, we pray for the church. Give us a voice, your voice, to plead for a society marked by justice and sustained by cooperation among diverse peoples. Train us to resist the lure of brute force. That by your Spirit we may become words and signs of your mercy, we pray: make us instruments of your peace.[2]

I also pray that God comforts the survivors and the families and friends of those who did not survive. I pray that we seek whole solutions of health and peace so that all people, especially children, may know health, safety, and security. I pray for us all.

On a personal level, these last two weeks have brought me Covid and now bronchitis. So, I will be missing you all at worship again this Sunday. But we will have another wonderful Pastor coming in to lead worship. I look forward to Pentecost on June 5 as we celebrate the movement of the spirit and Confirmation. Come to witness and celebrate three new confirmands!

The work of the Transition Committee continues. The congregational survey has been closed and the committee is working to bring that information together in the form of a Ministry Site Profile (MSP). The MSP is given to prospective pastors. The Transition committee has been very intentional about listening and considering all of your comments and concerns as they develop a solid understanding of St Matthew’s. On Sunday, June 12, the committee will be sharing the findings with the congregation during our education hour. Come to hear what your fellow congregants are saying and thinking about the future of St Matthew’s. The committee will then share the final MSP with the council on June 19 and submit it to the synod that week. In the weeks following, the work will then be turned over to the Call committee. Let us continue to pray for their work and for the discernment of potential pastors.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Kirsten

[1] This website is tracking mass shootings in the USA. It is chilling, the statistics:

[2] From Copyright © 2022 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved.