About Our Church
St. Matthew’s has had a presence in Lake Ridge since 1971. We are associated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We seek to be of service to our neighboring communities by offering worship services, a day school, faith formation activities for all ages, and assistance to those in need.Our Mission
Growing in Faith Together
The members of St. Matthew’s make a covenant to support and nurture our life together in the name of Christ, in faithful and diligent use of the means of Grace, in prayer, in study and by our common efforts in support of the Church as we seek to be God’s servants in the world.

Meet Our Team
Worship Opportunities
Faith Formation
Lutheran Beliefs
We follow the teachings of the Lutheran faith and are associated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Have questions about the beliefs of the ELCA? Learn more at the What We Believe ELCA site!

We believe in the bountiful gift of God’s grace. We are imperfect people living in an imperfect world, and God’s grace abounds. This grace, rooted in God’s love for creation, is what motivates us in our words and actions. The grace of God turns us around and helps us to lead lives full of forgiveness and love.
Worship at St. Matthew’s is central to our life as faith community, but our worship only begins on Sunday. Our hope is that the worship we engage in on Sunday is the jumping off point for our life and work throughout the week.
A typical worship service includes music, scripture reading, a sermon, children’s message and communion. We utilize both the Evangelical Lutheran Worship Hymnal along with other resources. We often are led by the organ and piano, but we also include guitars, drums, trumpets, flutes, choirs and more throughout the year.
The ministry of St. Matthew’s is guided by our worship and life together. It involves education, challenging conversations, connecting with our neighbors, serving in the community, and offering an exceptional preschool program.
Our History
It was a windy day in October 1971, when Rev. David Bohannon, now retired, began knocking on doors in the then sparsely developed communities of Lake Ridge and western Dale City. On February, 1972, seventy-six people gathered for St. Matthew’s first worship service.
Since then, we have grown in both numbers and spirit. Locally, we are part of the Metropolitan Washington Synod, which includes the areas of Northern Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Maryland.
However you found us, we invite you to participate in what God is up to around here.

Frequently Asked Questions
When is worship?
Worship is at 10:00 AM on Sunday Mornings-attend in-person or watch our livestream on YouTube.
How can I contact the church?
You may set up an appointment by filling out the Contact Us form or calling the church office at 703-494-3090. You can find contact information for our staff members, including pastors, on our Meet the Team page.
How do I become a member?
Contact one of the pastors and we will host a new member class. It is only a few sessions to help us get to know you and for you to get know a little more about St. Matthew’s and the Lutheran faith.
How do I contact St. Matthew’s Day School?
Call the office at 703-494-3090 or learn more about the day school through their website at https://www.stmatthewsdayschool.us/.