In-Person Worship at St. Matthew’s

Based on recommendations from the CDC and state guidelines, our procedures for in-person worship are subject to change.

Worship will continue to be live streamed during the 10:00 AM service. 


What does in-person worship look like?
– Communion will be distributed at the altar; when invited by an usher, please come forward and kneel at the altar to receive the bread and wine. Gluten-free wafers and grape juice are available.

– We invite you to place your donations in the plate as it is passed. Donations can also be made online at Your offerings go toward the mission of the church and allow us to respond to the needs of our congregation and community locally, nationally, and internationally.

-St. Matthew’s services are live streamed and recorded to document the vibrant life of our church. If you do not wish to be included, please notify an usher and they can show you to seats where inclusion in the video is greatly reduced.

-We welcome children of all ages to engage in worship with us.   If you find you need to step out, we have an unstaffed nursery located in the office hallway, past the restrooms.  We ask parents to please remain with your children.

Share Your Prayer Concerns & Celebrations with Us!

Let us know how we can be praying with and for you, your loved ones and the world. All prayer requests submitted are completely private and only shared with our pastor.

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